Merchant Acquiring:
Why now?

Discover why, and how, merchant acquiring will unlock future revenues for banks.


Your guide to the business case for building a compelling acquiring proposition

Intense competition from FinTechs and challengers is increasingly threatening banks’ market share — there has been a 26% gain by FinTechs in the past 5 years — by offering payments and an ever growing set of connected merchant services. Using this guide, you can:

  • Gain insight into existing and future challenges from digital-first rivals and the potential impact on merchant acquiring business 
  • Develop a strategy, deep-rooted in harnessing data to build deep engagement with SMB communities 

  • Prepare to unlock increased revenues by delivering additional, relevant services & accelerate go-to-market models 

How Pollinate harnesses merchant data  to fuel customer primacy

Pollinate’s experience guiding major global banks around the world to success through acquiring has proven that payments data has the potential to strengthen SMB relationships that unlock profitable future opportunities.


Capture revenue

Merchant data can unlock new revenue streams up to six times greater than payments services alone.

Drive efficiencies

Harnessing the power of data reduces the cost to serve, through self-serve platforms and digital solutions.

Competitive edge

Transform your SMB proposition to put you at the heart of SMB communities and take back control of relationships from FinTech disruptors.

Up to 89% of bank relationships with SMBs could be at risk from FinTech challengers.

New players are disintermediating banks from profitable business lines. Offers from ISVs and FinTechs are capturing a greater share of SMB’s attention and raising the bar for digital experiences. 



Dig deeper into what the future holds for banks, SMBs, and payments with our industry insights.

Banking’s inflection point:

winning the race for customer primacy


Merchant acquiring:

 a global view

Find out how Pollinate could help your bank